It is that time of year again when the pressure is on to fulfil your GDC CPD requirements. Here, we will explain some of the Enhanced CPD changes you need to consider, and aim to answer all of the questions you may have on the subject. So, first up:
As a dental care professional, when do I need to complete my CPD?
The deadline to complete your CPD is 31 July.

What is the minimum hours of verifiable CPD that I have to do?
This differs between each dental profession. Here is an overview of how many hours of verifiable CPD each dental professional has to do:
- Dentists must complete at least 100 hours.
- Dental therapists must complete at least 75 hours.
- Dental hygienists must complete at least 75 hours.
- Orthodontic therapists must complete at least 75 hours.
- Clinical dental technicians must complete at least 75 hours.
- Dental nurses must complete at least 50 hours.
- Dental technicians must complete at least 75 hours.
Here at Apolline Training, we offer many online, verifiable CPD course for dental care professionals. Why not check out our ECPD course?
What do I need to do for my CPD?
You need to keep a CPD record
Your CPD record should include:
- Personal development plan (PDP)
- CPD activity log
- Certificates of the CPD activity
- Evidence of reflective learning.
You need to make your annual statement
Your annual statement should include:
- The number of CPD hours for that year
- A declaration to say that you have kept a CPD record
- A declaration to say that your CPD is relevant to your professional practice.
General Dental Council
The GDC wants to know the following information:
- The CPD you plan to undertake during your cycle, which must include CPD that is relevant to your current or intended field(s) of practice
- The anticipated development outcomes that will link to each activity
- The timeframes in which you expect to complete your CPD over your cycle.
The GDC is also keen to see that you are self-aware and that you can demonstrate that you reassess your learning needs annually in case your learning needs have changed over the course of the year. This allows you to adjust and plan different activities as required.
Blended learning
Blended learning is designed to tie several aspects of learning together to help take the learner on a journey that relates the CPD activity to their work setting. The GDC recommends you use a diverse and blended way of learning.
Blended learning means using a mix of different types of learning, including observations, listening, reading, digital learning and face to face training, as well as discussing case studies with peers. Opportunities to practise new skills and the use of simulations will also enhance the learner’s knowledge.
The GDC has listed the following activities to consider:
CPD Topics
The GDC highly recommends a number of topics they consider to be very important to many dental professionals, whatever their field of practice. They expect these to be undertaken as part of the minimum verifiable CPD requirement.
- Medical Emergencies – at least 10 hours (do at least 2 hours every year).
- Disinfection & Decontamination (Infection Control) – do at least 5 hours every cycle.
- Radiography & Radiation Protection – for registrants who undertake radiography – do at least 5 hours every cycle.
Recommended Topics
The GDC also recommends the following topics because they believe that keeping up to date contributes to patient safety:
- Legal & ethical issues
- Complaints handling
- Oral Cancer: Early detection
- Safeguarding children and young people
- Safeguarding vulnerable adults.
You should also choose subjects that will help you:
- Develop further in your job role
- Enhance your knowledge & skills
- Meet regulatory and legislative needs
- Provide safe and appropriate services to patients
Plan and spread your CPD evenly over your 5-year cycle.
Development Outcomes

You should:
- Understand the four development outcomes.
- Plan your CPD around the development outcomes. CPD providers should give you the relevant development outcome information before you make a decision to enrol on a CPD course. Development outcome information should be displayed on your CPD certificate.
- Try to include all four development outcomes during your cycle.
Reflective learning
Reflective learning is an evaluation of the CPD activity you have undertaken. Reflective learning encourages you to think about what you have learned during the CPD activity and how you will relate this activity to your everyday work.
After undertaking a CPD activity consider the following:
- Did the course meet the aims and objectives?
- How will you use the training in your day to day role?
- How will the training affect you, your patients and other team members?
The GDC is not prescriptive about how you should undertake reflective learning, and you can do this individually or as part of a group.
The GDC requires you to:
- Review your CPD activity
- Reflect on the impact on your daily practice
- Reflect on the impact your patients
- Make a record of your reflections
- Adjust your personal development plan after CPD activities
Your CPD provider should encourage you to use reflective learning as part of their CPD commitments to you.