Quality Assurance Statement

Apolline Training’s CPD Commitment to You

Quality Assurance Framework Statement


We will provide:

  • Certification for verifiable CPD
  • Courses linked to the GDC development outcomes
  • Courses suitable to your field of practice
  • Demonstration of participation during CPD activities
  • A quality assurance programme.


Your CPD certificates will contain:

  • The subject, learning content, aims and objectives
  • The anticipated GDC development outcomes of the CPD
  • The date(s) that the CPD was undertaken
  • The total number of hours of CPD undertaken
  • The name of the GDC registrant who has participated in the CPD activity
  • CPD quality assurance, with the name of the person or body providing the quality assurance
  • Confirmation from the provider that the information contained in it is full and accurate
  • GDC number.



Educational Policy 

Apolline Training is committed to providing high quality educational materials that meet the learning needs of the dental profession. We strive to meet the highest standards possible and to assist us with this we have an educational and quality assurance framework to ensure we meet our own high standards and the standards required for verifiable CPD.

The following information is our declaration to you:

Our aims, objectives and learning outcomes are:
  • Clear and concise
  • Readily available in advance of buying or registering for a CPD activity
  • Only written by subject matter experts
  • Developed to address individual learning needs.
  • Documented on the CPD certificate
  • SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Bound).

In accordance with our Quality Assurance Framework we ask for participant feedback after every CPD activity to ensure we meet our stated aims, objectives and learning outcomes.

Our CPD activities are:
  • An accurate measure of CPD activity
  • Written and developed by industry recognised experts in the subject matter.
  • Evidence based, or evidence informed based
  • Checked for accuracy
  • Meet the needs of the target audience
  • Reviewed at least every 12 months
  • Reviewed and updated with legislative changes
  • Reviewed and updated in accordance with client feedback.
The CPD activity includes:
  • Blended learning and delivery techniques
  • A robust assessment with a marking system
  • A chance for self-reflection
  • A feedback form for quality assurance.
Our Teachers and Trainers are:
  • Chosen based on their experience and expertise
  • Checked for qualifications and professional interests
  • Always available to answer questions from participants’ feedback.
Your feedback:
  • Is very important to us
  • It provides us with the ability to improve our services
  • Is regularly reviewed and discussed with our training team
  • Concerns and complaints are dealt with appropriately, and in a timely manner
Commercial Interests:
  • We do not promote any commercial product or service within our CPD activities
  • The CPD activities are thoroughly checked for commercialisation

Equality & Diversity Statement

Service Delivery

We are committed to:

  • Providing educational material and services that meet the requirements of individuals fairly, equitably and in a non-discriminatory way.
  • The principles of fairness, respect, equality, dignity and autonomy in all that we do.
  • Considering the needs of our clients and students when providing educational material and services.
  • Being accessible and flexible when providing our services and taking the differing needs of our clients and students into account.
  • Assessing our policies and processes and will taking appropriate action to address any adverse impact should this be identified.
  • Monitoring and evaluating our services to ensure they are meeting the needs of our clients and students.



Specific responsibility for this policy rests with Patricia Langley, CEO but everyone has a responsibility to ensure that equality and human rights are effectively integrated and monitored.

Individual employees also have a responsibility to abide by the policy and to promote equality of opportunity and human rights principles.

In implementing this policy, we will:

  • Communicate the policy to our employees
  • Publicise our policy to our clients and students
  • Ensure that we have adequate resources in place to fulfil the objectives of the policy.


Monitoring and Reviewing

We will establish monitoring systems to help us in assessing how we are progressing on equality, diversity and human rights in service provision and as an employer.


Complaints of Discrimination

Any client or student who believes they have been discriminated against or suffered harassment or victimisation can raise this with Patricia Langley, CEO.

Complaints Policy

At Apolline Training we place great emphasis on meeting and whenever possible, exceeding our client and student expectations. We try to ensure that all clients and students are pleased with their experience of our service and we take any concerns a client or student may have very seriously.

If you have a concern regarding any aspect of your service, please let us know. We will do all that we can to resolve your concern to your satisfaction both promptly and professionally. Our aim is to respond to clients and students concerns in a caring and sensitive way.

The person responsible for dealing with any concerns about the service is Samantha Spriggs, Operations Director.

We will acknowledge any concerns raised in writing within two working days. If a concern has been raised in writing, the written acknowledgement will also include a copy of this Code of Practice, again, normally within two working days. We will investigate the concern and report back within ten working days of it being received. If we are unable to complete our investigations within ten working days for any reason, we will notify the client or student, giving reasons for the delay and the likely period within which the investigation will be completed.

We will confirm the outcome of the investigation and any decisions made in writing.

Proper and comprehensive records are kept of any concerns or complaints received.


If you have a concern or complaint you can contact us via telephone, email, by letter, or using the contact form at the bottom of this page:

Apolline Training Ltd
6 Sedgwick Road
SO50 6FB

0800 193 1033

You can get in touch with us using the form below

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