Local safeguarding children’s boards were replaced in June 2019, by ‘safeguarding partners’ and your local authority has until Sunday this week (Sunday 29 September 2019) to make this transition!

They are looking for a much more joined up approach from key partners (as you’ll see in the pictures below).

Make sure you know what the process is with your local authority and update your safeguarding policy accordingly, along with any displays in the waiting area, toilets etc.

The CQC may well come armed with the correct phone numbers and processes during an inspection so ensure that your policies and displays reflect that information!

Introducing an online course: Level 2 Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults

While you’re here, you may also be interested in our free, online, verifiable CPD course that will help ensure that you comply with the CQC’s fundamental standards in Regulation 13 (safeguarding) and Regulation 11 (need for consent) of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 and the GDC requirements in relation to safeguarding and child protection.

This e-learning module contains three hours of verifiable CPD and a certificate is awarded upon completion.

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